Google+ is Shutting Down Earlier Than Expected in April 2019

  In October,  Google announced its plans to shut down Google+ in August of 2019. Now, due to a recent data breach, Google is shutting down Google+ by the end of April 2019 – 4 months earlier. Because Google+ had little user interaction, this shutdown should not affect your business. Google+ is not correlated to your … Continued

Mobile Web Design

Mobile Web Design All sorts of smartphone and tablets sizes are now growing like mushrooms. Perhaps in the next five years, website owners may have to face another mobile web design challenges to suit newer inventions. There’s no stopping the smartphone craze now. User Experience Matters As of the moment, approximately 1.75 billion people own … Continued

Customers Can Message you From Google Maps

  Google continues to improve its message feature. If you haven’t already set it up, your customers can conveniently contact your service business from their smartphones and tablets using Google Maps Messaging. After finding your business on Google Maps, they have the option to send you a message directly from the app. Why is this … Continued

Facebook Recommendations are Here to Stay

The results are in – Facebook Recommendations is now officially taking the place of a 5-star reviews. Now, users are asked, “Do you recommend ABC Plumbing?” and are given the option to say, “Yes” or “No.” In addition, users can also choose to tag their review, which makes it easier for others to find. If … Continued

2 Keys to Better Online Content

2 Keys to Better Online Content We’ve all heard the saying that “Content is King.”  Today’s version would be “Good Content is King.”  And, not all content is good content.  Buzzsumo recently analyzed over 1 million online articles to look at the correlation of shares and links and to identify the formats that get relatively … Continued

Local Online Marketing

Local Online Marketing   A lot of consumers nowadays are very well-informed. In fact, many of them make it a point to search for a product over the web before making a purchase. Almost every household has at least one desktop computer. Moreover, a lot of people are equipped with handy mobile devices with internet connectivity. For … Continued

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