Meta: What is it and Why Do You Care?

What is Meta?   Metadata is what populates in the search results for each listing based the search term typed into the search bar.  Therefore, meta is very important as it influences whether your website comes up in search results.   Why Do You Care About Meta? Two types of meta that you need to … Continued

Keywords versus Conversion

Google has 3.5 billion searches per day!  And, 15% of those searches are unique.  This means that 525 million searches per day have never been searched before. Aligning your keywords with those searches in order to get conversions requires some planning. First, Google looks not only at the search words and your website’s keywords but … Continued

Google Reviews are Down!

Google is having a glitch right now with their review system, not allowing people to leave reviews for businesses right now. When you click on the “write a review” button, instead of directing you to the form to actually fill out the review, it will just to back to the main page showing the Google … Continued

Build a Better Website with Proper Website Language

Human interaction is generally thought to be better than interaction with a computer.  But if you provide your home services through your website it is essential that you make sure that your website is designed to be the BEST in order to capture your potential clients attention as well as Google’s.  The website language used … Continued

Is Your HVAC Website Mobile Friendly?

Latest statistics show that 55% of all online searches come from a mobile device and 94% of people with a smartphone use it for searching for local information.  These are your potential customers so making sure your website is mobile friendly is a necessity. You can see whether your website is mobile friendly by taking … Continued

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