Latest statistics show that 55% of all online searches come from a mobile device and 94% of people with a smartphone use it for searching for local information. These are your potential customers so making sure your website is mobile friendly is a necessity.
You can see whether your website is mobile friendly by taking the FREE Google test .
If you get a green light, great! If not, use the report and work with your website provide to address the issues identified. You can also do these 3 quick checks to automatically increase your website’s mobility:
1) Check text size – make sure it isn’t too small or too big…you want it to be just right! Ideally a visitor will not have to swipe left or right to view any content only up and down.
2) Use the Rule of Thumb – every link, field or button on your website should be easy to tap with your thumb.
3) Test your load speed – ideally each page on your website should load in 3 seconds or less! If it takes too long to load a visitor may leave your sight. There are many factors that affect load speed so working with your digital marketing company to identify ways to reduce the time.
If you have any questions about your website’s mobile friendliness feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or check out our Flip Chart Friday video on this topic!