by witadmin

Why you Shouldn’t Be Googling Your Business!

2 min read

Watch this Wit Wednesday’s post to find out why searching your business on Google can hurt you and where you can safely check your ad ranking(must have a Google Ads account to check)!!🤔 Check out their conversation on our Facebook page here or by clicking the picture below!

Our SEO specialist, Rachel, and PPC specialist, Megan explain the negative effects this can have on your page rank and paid ads‼️

📈-Page Rank: Let’s say you scroll past your own website and click on your competitor’s. You are teaching Google that your site is NOT relevant to the search terms and location you are googling from. This can affect your overall page ranking!

⌨️-Keywords: When you google yourself, you are using keywords specific to your business, such as “plumber” or “hvac”, but when you don’t click on your page, then again, you’re telling Google these keywords are not relevant to your website!

⌛️-Time: You need to give your website time to get organically rank. SEO’s job is to ensure your climbing through the ranks steadily and effectively, not jumping up and down in rankings.

📊Ad Rankings: So, you Google your business, and your ad pops up, but you don’t click it. In that case, you’re telling Google that ad is irrelevant to you as the searcher and the search terms you used. This can negatively affect the consistency of your ad appearing when someone searches with similar or the same terms near your location!

🔎 If you want to see where your ads rank in real time, we advise you use the Google Ad preview tool (you must have a Google Ads account to access). We have included a link further explaining the tool and where to access in your Ads account –
This will ensure your ad and website ranking are not affected by doing your own searches.

If you think it’s time to step up your SEO and Paid Ads game for your business’s digital marketing, you need to give us a call. Here at Wit, we only deliver results.
☎️ 800-444-8957

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