by witadmin

New Facebook Ads Manager interface to improve user experience

1 min read


Facebook has rolled out a new, upgraded Ads Manager interface to improve user experience. This new upgrade includes a copy and paste feature to speed up the time it takes to build ads – meaning higher productivity for managing ad campaigns!


What you need to know

  • Facebook is temporarily allowing users to switch back and forth between the old and new interface (shown below)
  • Most of the changes to the interface are simply cosmetic or for the benefit of ad agencies who manage multiple Facebook ad accounts. Most business owners won’t have to learn much of anything new, they’ll just need to learn where all the buttons are now
  • These changes won’t affect the look or performance of your Facebook ads; it is simply an interface redesign to help make things easier for those managing the ad accounts


New features include

  • The first new feature is a new navigation experience that Facebook says will help you not have to switch between the account overview, campaigns, ad sets, and ads tab – it will also include a combined search and filter bar
  • The second is that editing ads will be easier; they’ve improved the look of ad previews
  • The third offers a new way for business manager admins to organize the pages, ad accounts, and pixels
  • The fourth feature improves how agencies on-board new clients; it allows users to gain access to the assets needed in one single request


Old Facebook Ads Manager interface:


New Facebook Ads Manager interface:


This is an exciting upgrade in the world of paid ads! To learn more about paid ads, and determine if Facebook Ads can benefit your home service business growth, reach out to our team (we love talking shop): 800-444-8957



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