Google Posts – Another Tool in Your Tool Belt

  Google Posts are relatively new having only recently been released from beta testing. They may be very powerful but until tested further the jury is still out. While we all continue to learn more about the ins and outs, you should understand the basics and play around with using them to test their effectiveness. … Continued

Meta: What is it and Why Do You Care?

What is Meta?   Metadata is what populates in the search results for each listing based the search term typed into the search bar.  Therefore, meta is very important as it influences whether your website comes up in search results.   Why Do You Care About Meta? Two types of meta that you need to … Continued

Keywords versus Conversion

Google has 3.5 billion searches per day!  And, 15% of those searches are unique.  This means that 525 million searches per day have never been searched before. Aligning your keywords with those searches in order to get conversions requires some planning. First, Google looks not only at the search words and your website’s keywords but … Continued

Google Tag Manager: Better Data to Make Better Decisions

The sheer awesomeness of Google Tag Manager (GTM) will not only make your life easier; it will allow you to harness the power of “event tracking” (every action that a visitor makes on your website). By tracking these actions and behaviors, you can make adjustments and best optimize your website.     GTM is an … Continued

Google issue with indexing new content

  At Wit, we’re always emphasizing how important it is to add fresh and timely content to your website – it helps you rank higher and gain the trust of your customers.   If you’ve noticed a decline in your website traffic in the last couple of weeks, don’t panic. Google recently experienced an issue … Continued

Branding in PPC Campaigns- Why it’s Important!

This Wit Wednesday, we explained why you need to be including branding in your PPC campaigns (Pay Per Click). One of our very own PPC managers, Megan, went over the 3 major reasons why you should be thinking about branding for PPC. Branding and PPC work together because: #1 Establish brand awareness & authority—> 1/3 … Continued

Keeping Your Processes Flexible and Why it Matters

This Wit Wednesday, Kelsey discussed the importance of keeping processes in your business flexible and three tips on how you can apply this approach in your company. Click here to watch full video! Here at Wit, we implement these tips ourselves and have seen incredible improvement in various parts of our agency. Being adaptable, or … Continued

4 Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Out For In 2020

Check out this Wit Wednesday with Shayna dropping some mad knowledge on 4 trends you should be adding to your marketing strategies for the new year! Check out her points below. 1) Chatbots- The possibilities are endless with chatbots! As they become more refined and responsive to your users, their capability to respond more effectively … Continued

Why Content Matters for your Website!

  What is content? This week, published author and Wit’s Digital Services Manager, Nicole talks about the importance of content on your website. Click HERE to watch her full explanation! This is referring to anything written or visual on your site such as: the logo, page headers, blogs, paragraphs, videos, your call to actions buttons … Continued

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